Delta Covid 19 and Gala Awards Ceremony on Iceland statement
Dear FMC participants,
As you certainly know, the final gala event with announcement of winners and Award ceremony of the current edition of FMC-Film Music Contest 2021 was supposed to be held in Iceland, its capital Reykjavik.
The FMC organizational team was working for several months to prepare this event, lots of energy and funds were spent. In active connection and communication on diplomatic level we were regularly receiving info updates on a current situation in Iceland and we discussed all details.
Early in the summer, Iceland was in a green zone and people were optimistic about life going back to normal. We were happy that it would be this year that we meet at a physical event, which would be a ceremonial end of this year´s edition of FMC.
However, the situation has been changing adversely from the end of August.
There was big rise in Delta Covid 19 infections in August. Iceland went from green to red.
Many restrictive measured had to be taken along with various restrictions. Number of people gathering at one place, times for mandatory closing of restaurants and bars etc. People are scared of a new October-wave. Many regularly held events in Iceland were cancelled for this period.
This emergency right before organizing the FMC 2021 Gala Award ceremony forced us, organizers, to take immediate actions. During an extraordinary meeting of our team, on the basis of the serious and unfavorable situation in Iceland we had to cancel organizing the physical FMC 2021 Gala evening.
All results will be gradually published step-by-step as it has been so far until the last winners. After announcing semi-finalists, the following finalists in Trailer music, music for video game, music for animated film will be announced.
We believe that the life will get back to normal.