Composer, conductor and son of art, Gianni Ephrikian has collaborated with numerous artists of all musical genres and with his record label “Holly Music” has produced several records with his orchestrations and orchestra conducting. In 2015 and 2016 he was awarded in Hollywood at the “Los Angeles Music Awards” as “International Artist of the Year” and “International Music Producer” for instrumental music (unpublished). In 2017 he received an award in Las Vegas (the Best of Las Vegas) for instrumental music and in November 2017 again in Hollywood as “Outstanding International Conductor”. In 2019 he won the “FILM MUSIC CONTEST” with the soundtrack of the film (short film) “Water for Africa”. He is currently engaged in his latest work: a modern Opera entitled “On The Eighth Day”. A challenging job that involves the use of: a reciting actor, a symphony orchestra, a rock band and a modern ballet.