First feature film Paul worked on was Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner with Greek composer of electronic, progressive, ambient, jazz, and orchestral music Vangelis. Paul worked as a musician, sound designer and music programmer for 20 years, doing more sound design work for Vangelis on The Bounty, Francesco, Ridley Scott masterpiece 1492: Conquest of Paradise as well as for Paul McCartney on the title song for John Landis’ Spies Like Us. On a two year stint with Stevie Wonder, he programmed sounds and sequences for songs in Die Hard, Woman in Red and Jungle Fever and while in Los Angeles also worked with award-winning composers Mark Isham and Hans Zimmer. Most recently, his sounds were used by Peter Gabriel in Philip Noyce’s Rabbitproof Fence. Outside of films he programmed for Ultravox, Geoff Downes (Buggles, Yes, Asia), Peter Gabriel and Jean-Michel Jarre. He also assisted Elliot Scheiner on 5.1 surround remixes of Bohemian Rhapsody.