Get valuable insights into workings of professional mastering studio, while spending private time with Vlado.
His discography spans every genre of music. Working with major Record Labels and independent clients, his discography speaks for itself. Here are some examples:
Andrea Bocelli, Beastie Boys, Johnny Cash, Celine Dion, Duran Duran, Public Enemy, Kenny G, Julio Iglesias, Michael Jackson, Linkin Park, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Paul McCartney, Metallica, George Michael, Oasis, Frank Ocean, Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Slipknot, Shakira, Barbra Streisand, Weezer, Jack White, ZZ Top and many, many more.
Mastering Session Curriculum:
Introduction to mastering.
Role of mastering engineer in today’s complex music production.
Vlado’s approach to building a successful mastering studio and career.
Selection of right gear, speakers, hardware, software, digital workstations, converters, etc. Vlado’s own workflow which he perfected with his proven experience.
A complete overview of various final masters needed for manufacturing CD’s, Vinyl, Streaming, DVD’s, etc.
Actual mastering session with attendees and their own files supplied for the session.
Location of Slovakia and connections:
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Belgium Brussels-Budapest France Paris or Lyon-Budapest Italy Rome-Budapest Spain: Barcelona-Budapest
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Austria Vienna-Košice, Czech Republic Praha-Košice, Hungary Budapest-Košice
Cheap bus connections:
Hungary (Flixbus)-Budapest-Košice, Austria (Flixbus) Vienna-Košice, Czech Republic (Flixbus) Praha-Košice Poland (Flixbus) Krakow-Košice, Warsaw-Košice